Monday, April 11, 2011

Kyoto Part II Kiyomizu Temple

 A view of temple grounds from the bottom of the hill....we actually walked a big hill already, but we turned onto this street from that hill. So.....we are at the bottom of this hill.

 There are a lot of little shops along the way up and then there is another street next to this one that has a lot of souvenir shops. That street is much more crowded and I will show you in the following post.

 At the entrance of the temple grounds. The two guard dogs.

 One of the intricately detailed guard dogs.

 A peak through the gateway...

 After passing through the gateway.

 I really like this tree. They were able to mold the tree to grow onto the thing next to it. Sorry, I have no idea what it is called, but I love the idea. Oh, and I have no idea whether this is a tree or a vine, but it looks like a tree.....(^-^;)

 I love this bright redish orange color used on some of the buildings. Plus the details at the base of the roof....seen below....

 You want to be careful here since it is a very far drop to the bottom.....but, there are guard rails incase the cement rails don't work for some reason.

 I always liked the lanterns in this temple.

 People's wishes and hopes written on wood and hung up with prayers that they will come true. It's the year of the rabbit so they all have some type of picture of a rabbit drawn on the back.

 Sato pulled a Omikuji which is a type of future telling. This one wasn't a good one so he is tying it so that it won't come true. (he pulled another one later that was a good one and he kept it. I also pulled one and it was a good one so I carry it around with me it hopes that I will have a good year.) For good ones you keep it and then bring it back the following year for it to be burned and to pull a new one....I hope it's a good one!

 Sato getting ready to through in a coin and make a prayer to the God.

 The Omikuji store, there are a few of these on the grounds, but this is the one where I got my good fortune omikuji!

 Sato and I taking our picture in front of the temple.

Here is an unobstructed view of the temple. I should mention that this is a VERY delayed post. We went in February, but now the trees should be greener and maybe some Cherry Blossoms are left?

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